Nykredit Index

Nykredit Markets has built a number of bond indices that track the Danish mortgage market.

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Nykredit Danish Mortgage Bond Index and Nykredit Total Index

The Nykredit Danish Mortgage Bond Index (the DMB Index) is comprised of a portfolio of the most liquid Danish mortgage covered bonds listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen. The Nykredit Total Index comprises the entire actively traded part of the Danish fixed-rate callable covered bond market. The index is made up of a number of subindices segmenting callable mortgage bonds according to four typical investment strategies.

The Nykredit Total Index is described in the research note "Nykredit Danish Mortgage Bond Index & Total Index". Nykredit's bond indices are "non-significant benchmarks" based on regulated data, see the Benchmark Regulation.

Upcoming rebalancing date

9 July 2024


Because of an error, all Constant Maturity indices were recalculated as at 7 February 2020. The incorrect data are still available upon request. Contact Nykredit Markets for more information.


Download the index values for the latest full trading day together with index portfolios and historical index values below.

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